Thursday, 26 July 2007

time goes so fast

I am feeling so unattractive today, I feel fat, sad, jaded and so over everything...

Need a new job, want more money, want a loving partner, want to have a puppy dog. I'm bored out of my brain...................................................................................
Oh and silly me decided to eat Chinese for dinner, now I feel so bloated and sluggish, hormones suck big time!!!! Had a date that was cancelled without a good reason, men suck!
Where do you go to find love???? - I received a post card from my local uniting church with that question, if they don't know where to go, what hope do I have to find love then??

I just thought the post card was a funny thing to publish here, I don't care where to go, all I want is to be happy. I'm about to go, and I'm not sure if I will continue to post here during my trip, only time will tell.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.