OK here's the deals, I went to this party last night, it was at the bank hotel in nutown and I hadn't been there since long before they did the whole place up, so I found that the place is very sleek and cool but where did all the 'metro-lesbians' go? All I could see was hoards of thirty-somethings trying to look 'noice' and sophisticated. Booooooooring.....
Wow, talk about incestuous gatherings... most people at the party was somehow connected to () and it was very hard for me to be there, it was a very hard reminder of what never was. It is not like they were close friends to () but six degrees of separation came pretty close to be just 3...
I am not in love with () anymore but I am not over him either, it will take a long time for my heart to heal, sorry if you are reading this and it upsets you, truth is I am not over you, it was a very big disappointment and a major blow for me, so forgive me for being selfish and admitting for the first time in my life that I am not copping, it is still too painful and remarkably sad, my heart is still broken in a million pieces and I am not sure I will ever be able to put it back together