Hang on a minute, I am 30!!!, Oh god! How did this happen????, OK, no need to panic, I can still feel my legs, my arms are OK, and my head - oh my head! I can definitely feel it... Shit I had too much to drink again...
Fuck! I am really 30!!!!!!!! - oh well, I might as well enjoy the ride, why not?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, yes, the memories flood back, I had my birthday party and drank lost and lots and lots and lots of champagne (champagnoise more like it...), hence the headache, the vague recollections of night of debauchery except I ended up alone in my bed - as usual says my head - fuck! I wish I had had great sex to mark my entrance into the 4th decade of my life....
Dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, v dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty, dirty thirty,
Let us hope they really are as dirty as they say......

oh my, I look fabulous!
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