There is this hole in the middle of my chest, it has always been there, it makes me feel like everyone can see through me, I am transparent at the best of times. I feel as if I am invisible, people can see through me.
I look at people on the street, people at work, I stare at them and they never look back at me, rarely get eye contact with others, not because I avoid it but because most people will look away when you try to look them in the eye, this is so sad. I am in desperate need for human contact, I feel so lonely. I need a hug, I want to feel wanted, I want to be loved.
I want this pain to end

1 comment:
From my own experience: this is true. People rarely look back. Don't take it personal. I have been experimenting with this and my findings are, that the moment they notice you look at them, they look away: as if they don't want you to know that they were actually looking at you!
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